
Hello, my name is Michelle Nilson and I am honored that you have chosen to visit and have a browse of my website! I hope you will find some bit of inspiration and wisdom to take away from your visit here and I send many elemental blessings your way! 🌿💕 You can read more about my journey to work with flower and vibrational essences below.


It is my greatest passion to help others find and feel their connection to nature and the natural world around them. This fascination with the natural world began at an early age with my grandfather who was very attuned to the natural world around him. He taught me how to speak to and be lovingly attentive to the plants and animals that surround us.

From this early “knowing”, I became very curious about what many would call metaphysical phenomena and concepts. I was part of and facilitated many spiritual discussion groups, studied with Indigenous elders, studied herbalism, aromatherapy, reiki, sound healing, sacred geometry, different philosophies, and vibrational, flower, and gem essences.

These interests and curiosity culminated in learning so many wonderful things about the natural world around us and it synchronistically led me to work at Alaskan Essences for 3 years from 2009 to 2012. It was at Alaskan Essences that I felt I landed in my calling to work with the natural world and to be able to help others in these times. The naturally gentle energies of the vibrational essences felt so inspiring and harmonious to me and I knew that I wanted to become a flower essence practitioner and help others.
While working at Alaskan Essences, I felt the “call” to move to Ireland, the place of my ancestors and to learn more about Celtic wisdom. I moved to Ireland in 2012 and have since become a certified Flower Essence Practitioner after studying with Sara Turner in the Essentially Flowers Diploma Program.
It is an honor and I feel very blessed to now have a thriving essence practitioner business and also to be a producer of my own range of flower and vibrational essences named Light Essence Elementals. The essences are made ceremonially in the wild Irish landscape and contain elemental light codes to assist those who wish to work with their potent energies.
I have worked with clients from Ireland, the UK, and the USA. Offerings include flower essence consultations, bespoke essence blends, and room and aura sprays. I love working with the essences and elemental energies in this gentle and potent modality!
At the beginning of 2020, I also began to share the knowledge of the Native elders who taught me during the 90’s and early 2000’s. I am doing this through speaking with others who are seeking to change the world we live in at the moment by being more present to our relationship to all that lives around us in the web of life. I have been asked to speak as a contributor to online summits, as a guest speaker on Facebook Lives, and have created my own zoom meetings about these important natural teachings to reach others online at this time.
Many of the Irish/Celtic Goddesses have also presented their energies and wisdom to me as a result of living and working with the nature and elemental kingdoms here in Ireland and its mystical landscape and energies. This has led me to deepen my knowledge of the Celtic Wheel and ancestral ceremonial days that are part of this nature based calendar.
As a result, I will soon be offering ways and teachings for those who wish to connect and deepen their knowledge of the natural ways and cycles that our ancestors followed. Watch this space!
I am also expanding my nature based business to add seasonal products to include products such as natural smudge bundles, herbal products, and I am also developing a natural solid deodorant range that will have flower essences added to them. They will be available soon.
To read more about what flower essences are and how to use them to support you, please see “What Are Flower Essences and How to Use Them” down below 💕

Irish Elemental blessings to you and yours! đź’•

 What Are Flower Essences and How to Use Them? 

Flower Essences are part of a very ancient healing modality that was used by aboriginals in Australia, by the Egyptians, many mystics including Hildegard von Bingen, and by Dr. Edward Bach who made the use of flower and vibrational essences well known in the early to mid 1900’s in his work with clients in England. He was very dedicated to helping his clients with their emotional, mental, and spiritual well being as a result of having practiced medicine as an allopathic doctor and realizing that many ailments were in part caused by stress of some kind that affected the physical body. Many people credit his work in pioneering the modern resurgence of flower essence usage and his research has become an invaluable resource for others wishing to work and learn more about this wonderful healing modality. 
So… what are flower and vibrational essences? Flower essences are prepared by adding a desired flower, crystal, or vibrational energy to a glass bowl filled with spring water. All living beings radiate a special vibration and energetic signature and it is this specific energetic signature that is imprinted into the spring water.  In my own practice, I use ceremony and honor the energy of the flower, crystal or vibrational energy asking it to add its energies to the spring water to help those who wish to use them to assist with their mental, emotional and spiritual wellbeing. I then ask the flower, crystal, or vibrational energy to share its wisdom with me about how it can be used by a client. Listening to and sitting quietly in its presence, the message begins to come through about what the essence will help with and I then make notes. When the Essence has indicated it is ready to be decanted into the Mother tincture, I then leave an offering to the plant and give thanks for sharing its energetic remedy so that it can help those who need its specific remedy. 
Flower and vibrational essences can be used as a gentle modality to ease symptoms of mental, emotional, and spiritual trauma and 
unease. They are safe to use at all ages and do not contraindicate any prescription medication. They can be used effectively with many other healing modalities and often enhance the effects of these modalities on a persons energetic system. 
Vibrational essences can be taken many different ways to create an energetic healing pathway that brings ease and awareness for those using them. Most people take them orally under the tongue or in a glass of water a few times daily. Other ways to incorporate the essences is by adding a couple of drops into a bath, a spray bottle, or a diffuser. You can also place them upon the energetic meridians of the body. Some people even add them into paint before redecorating or freshening up a therapy room, office, or a specific room in their home! There are so many versatile ways to use the essences in our lives! 
Today, there are many types of essences in many wonderful essence ranges to choose from that have been created in many different natural environments on our beautiful planet. 
As a practitioner, I work with and have in my own collection many different essences from ranges around the world. My offerings include flower essence consultations, bespoke essence blends and sprays, and my own range of flower and vibrational essences co-created with the Elemental energies of Ireland named Light Essence Elementals. I love that I am able to assist others in remembering their true essence, strength, sovereignty, and inner wisdom! 
My Light Essence Elementals range is constantly growing and now has 41 flower and vibrational essences to choose from. And I am sure there will be more essences added in the future as the range evolves and moves forward! I hope that you will find benefit and feel the healing energy of the elementals  while using them in your own life! 
Certified Flower Essence Therapist

• Bespoke Essences and Sprays

• Flower Essence Consultations

• Workshop and event availability



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