

As a flower essence practitioner, I offer the following services 💞🌺🍃😊
🌿 Flower essence consultations: 60 to 90 minute in person or skype consultations to determine what flower essences can help you in bringing more balance to your life. An initial consultation form will be sent to you via email and you may fill it out beforehand or while we are together for our session. We will determine what your focus will be in the session and from this information I will make a custom dosage bottle for you that is designed to help with issues that have been brought up during our initial consultation. I dowse for this combination from my collection of over 500 essences from many different ranges. After you have taken the essence, I will check in at different intervals to see how you are doing with the essence combination and will be available for questions you may have at any time during the month you are taking this essence combination.
Follow up consults are also available after the initial dosage bottle has been taken and results discussed to see if further essences are needed. Flower essence therapy is often multi-layered… peeling one layer at a time to reveal another layer of healing or breakthrough.
🌿 Bespoke essences or sprays: Making sprays or essences for clients with very specific needs is another way I work with the essences. For example, many energy practitioners use clearing sprays in their healing rooms to clear the energy between clients or heavy energy that may have been released during a session. Bespoke essences can also be diffused in a room to help clear or elevate the energy for optimal client results. I have also made sprays for peaceful, restful sleep, calming nerves, abundance, and night terrors. There are many possibilities to choose from! 🙂
🌿 I created my own range of essences here in Ireland named Light Essence Elementals – Michelle Nilson and now have 13 essences available for sale and five different room and aura sprays in 50ml and 100ml sizes. I will be updating the Light Essence Elementals page very soon with photos and descriptions of what each essence helps with. I am very happy to be offering these essences as it has been a long held dream to produce my own range and work with the Elemental Kingdom in Ireland 🍃💫💞🧝‍♀️🧚‍♀️
If you feel drawn to work with me, I would be happy and priveleged to help in whatever ways I can. Feel free to private message me with any questions you may have or to book a consult session ❤ Much love and so many blessings! ❤


~ Essence of creative spark and rising from the ashes like a phoenix.

~ Connects us to our creativity and passion for life.

~ Helps us to channel our creativity through our sacral chakra energy field.

~ Creates a womblike space for potentiality of creation.

~ Connects us to our primeval need to birth our unique creations out into the world.

~ Facilitates sacral chakra opening and healing.

~ Connects us to our sacred sexuality and nature of being.

~ Renews passion for life and our own unique purpose.

~ Attunes us to the womb wisdom of the Divine Feminine and allows us to birth inspired ideas and higher self from this greater wisdom.

~ Helps us to feel safe and grounded in our physical bodies.

~ Allows expression of passion.

~ Expands the creative force within us.

~ Assists with being able to safely express our desires and needs.


Purple Mallow Light Essence 10ml

~ Soothes and nurtures a feeling of being scattered within oneself.

~ Protecting oneself from scattering inner resources.

~ Finding a new way of opening up the heart after successive hurts or betrayals of trust.

~ Finding the good in oneself again.

~ Taking care not to scatter ones energy in too many directions.

~Finding balance in being an introvert and and knowing how to open and close ones energy in the safest possible way without closing off completely.

~ Feeling peace and serenity in the heart after emotional turmoil and hurt.

~ Grounding the higher self into this reality through the heart space.