

~ Essence of creative spark and rising from the ashes like a phoenix.

~ Connects us to our creativity and passion for life.

~ Helps us to channel our creativity through our sacral chakra energy field.

~ Creates a womblike space for potentiality of creation.

~ Connects us to our primeval need to birth our unique creations out into the world.

~ Facilitates sacral chakra opening and healing.

~ Connects us to our sacred sexuality and nature of being.

~ Renews passion for life and our own unique purpose.

~ Attunes us to the womb wisdom of the Divine Feminine and allows us to birth inspired ideas and higher self from this greater wisdom.

~ Helps us to feel safe and grounded in our physical bodies.

~ Allows expression of passion.

~ Expands the creative force within us.

~ Assists with being able to safely express our desires and needs.

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