1 Hour Follow Up Consultation


All custom dosage bottles are made with ceremony and loving intention, I dowse from the 100’s of essences in my collection from many different essence producers around the world and choose which essences best compliment the specific issues a client discusses with me during the consultation process.

A 30ml dosage bottle will be shipped to the client after consultation, a shipping fee has already been added into the consultation price to cover this cost.

I would be happy to assist you in your journey to wellness with the help of the Nature Kingdom!



This follow up consultation is for repeat clients who wish to continue working with the essence blends for optimal benefits to spiritual, mental, and emotional health.

These sessions will be conducted on zoom meetings and will last approximately one hour. We will expand on and discuss how you felt and what you experienced while using your previous dosage bottle. We will go into more depth about things that came up in your awareness and what you may wish to move forward with as a result of this information.

A new 30ml dosage bottle including the shipping cost is included in the price of the session. No extra costs will be added to purchase of the item.


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