10ml Custom Dosage Bottle


If a client would like to do a more in depth investigation into what may be needed, I also provide 1 hour online or in person flower consultations to determine what is most needed in that particular time. Consultations are €50.00 and include the custom dosage bottle made for a client. If the bottle needs to be shipped to the client, a shipping charge will be added to the cost of the consultation.

If you determine that a consultation is what you would like to move forward, there is an option to purchase under Flower Essence Consultation in Products menu. Thank you!



Custom dosage bottles are made for clients specific needs. Made with ceremony and loving intention, I dowse from the 100’s of essences in my collection from many different essence producers around the world and choose which essences best compliment the specific issues a client may have.

*** If you choose your own custom dosage bottle essences from my Light Essence Elementals range, please indicate which Light Essence Elementals essences you wish me to add to your bottle in the notes section on your order in the shopping cart. ***




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