Pink Isa Dahlia Light Essence 10ml




🌿 Helps us to remember our childlike innocence and essence

🌿 When our inner child needs reassurance that it is ok to open up to our most radiant essence

🌿 Helps us to come out of hiding and unfurl at our own pace and when we are ready

🌿 Allows our inner child to come out and play and use our imagination in a childlike manner.

🌿 Do you remember when creating was so much fun and innocent as a child?

🌿 Can be comforting in times of grief and sadness

🌿 Connects to childlike joy and carefree memories

🌿 It is safe to be the full you and blossom to your fullest potential

🌿 Soothes the heart chakra

🌿 Assists those who are often stuck in their head space. Allows the energy to move from the head/thinking/over-intellectualizing to the safety of the heart space and create from a loving intention.


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